Medics & Radios Basic Course

Beta Testing!
The Medics & Radios Basic Course is open for beta testing for the Drill #1 modules and lessons. It’s free and no registration is necessary.

Welcome to the Medics & Radios Basic Course. Medics & Radios is based directly on LA CERT’s Neighborhood Teams concept. Medics & Radios has 2 components; the community responders (Team Leaders, Scribes, Responders and Medics & Radio Operators) and Staging Area Staff.

Here’s the NTP Step-by-Step Guide to CERT Staging and Initial Response to a Disaster, the step-by-step plan to our drills.

This online course is for people who are working through the Medics & Radios program and attending our live drills. This course is the classroom part of our program and the drills are where you put what you learn here into practice.

Community resiliency is about empowering community residents to safely start initial light rescue operations in a situation where 1st responders might not be able to get to their trucks, which is not a reflection on the dedication of 1st Responders. It doesn’t matter how highly-trained, well equipped or personally dedicated responders are when they can’t get their trucks through debris-blocked roads.

Scenarios 1 & 2 (CPR and Choking, Basic Emergency Communications) are about Incident Management
Scenarios 3 & 4 (Stroke and Environmental Injuries, Intro to Radio) are about basic patient assessment
Scenarios 5-10 (Basic First Aid, Radio Modules) are about how to move and communicate during a disaster that requires community responders to start rescue operations when first line responders can’t or haven’t arrived yet

Radio Training: Modular and based directly on the BSA Radio Merit Badge guidelines

When people attend all 10 scenarios they’ll be exposed to all the training from the BSA First Aid and Radio merit badges in a CERT setting where lay community members are responding to their own disaster before ‘1st Responders’ arrive. The goal isn’t to beat the 1st Responders under normal times, but to fill the gaps in an actual disaster where 1st Responders might not even be able to get to the station to get a fire truck.




January: Drill #1 Heart Attack


February: Drill #2 Choking
